Saft LSH14 Battery


Original price was: ₹ 2,100.00.Current price is: ₹ 1,990.00. Exc tax

Electrical characteristics(typical values relative to cells stored for one year or less at + 30°C max.)
Nominal capacity 5.8 Ah(at 15 mA + 20°C 2.0 V cut-off.
The capacity restored by the cell varies according to current drain, temperature and cut-off)
Open circuit voltage (at + 20°C) 3.67 V
Nominal voltage (at 1mA + 20°C) 3.6 V
Pulse capability: Typically up to 2000 mA(2000 mA/0.1 second pulses, drained every 2 mn at + 20°C from undischarged cells with 10 μA base current, yield voltage readings above3.0 V.
The readings may vary according to the pulse characteristics, the temperature, and the cell’s previous history.
Fitting the cell with a capacitor may be recommended in severe conditions. Consult Saft)Maximum recommended continuous current 1300 mA(to maintain cell heating within safe limits. Battery packs may imply lower level of maximum current and may request specific thermal protection.Consult Saft)Storage (recommended) + 30°C (+ 86°F) max(for more severe conditions, consult Saft)Operating temperature range – 60°C/+ 85°C(Operation at extreme T may lead to reduced capacity and lower voltage (- 76°F/+ 185°F)readings at the beginning of pulses. Consult Saft)Physical characteristicsDiameter (max) 26.0 mm (1.02 in)Height (max) 50.4 mm (1.98 in)